
In a constantly changing world, it is essential for researchers to anticipate the technological developments taking shape and to reflect on the fundamental changes in terms of uses and economic models, and more broadly on changes in society. Research lights our way forward, helping to shape a completely digital but nonetheless entirely human future.

Understanding of algorithms

Recommendations, filters, rankings, rating systems, and social network news feeds are all examples of the omnipresence of algorithms on web platforms. Created to organize and produce information, these algorithms are now establishing themselves as unavoidable tools for guiding web users. But what understanding do Internet users have of such guidance and ranking tools? How do they perceive them, and how do they use them?
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Sébastien Canard, a cryptographer who is good for you

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Aleksandra Guerraz discusses transcripts

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Homomorphic encryption: the key to security

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Sajida Zouarhi, a PhD student takes us inside the universe of blockchain

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Jean-Jacques Schwartzmann dresse votre profil grâce à votre smartphone

Jean-Jacques Schwartzmann builds your profile, using your smartphone

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Matthieu Liewig: when the house obeys the voice

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