
In a constantly changing world, it is essential for researchers to anticipate the technological developments taking shape and to reflect on the fundamental changes in terms of uses and economic models, and more broadly on changes in society. Research lights our way forward, helping to shape a completely digital but nonetheless entirely human future.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Collaborative Augmented Reality

Is collaborative augmented reality a viable alternative to current collaborative tools like videoconferencing?
Collaborative augmented reality offers a game-changing alternative to people looking to collaborate. Nevertheless, progress is needed for this technology to improve acceptance, effectiveness and usability for scaling up. Ultimately, it could make collaboration easier and more effective, particularly during augmented reality operations carried out by Orange network technicians. This immersive technology could also replace current collaboration technologies in the future.
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For a Contextual Approach to AI Explainability

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In-Vehicle Commerce, a white paper co-authored by Orange and Worldline

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The challenge: Brain-computer interfaces that work for everyone

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Machine learning shows fresh potential in urban renewal

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Money laundering: a novel approach with new algorithms to combat smurfing

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Osmo: artificial intelligence learns to recognize smells

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