2030 outlook: which networks for a world in transition?

Several transitions are disrupting the planet’s balance and affecting lifestyles. Individuals, companies and economic sectors will have to adapt. Yet digital technologies are playing a key role in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN. The Orange 2021 Research Exhibition is taking an interest in this outlook.

“How can collective intelligence, faced with environmental, societal and geopolitical challenges, create the blueprint for a sustainable and desirable future by 2030?”


Telecoms players have a special responsibility when it comes to societal challenges. This exercise—presented by Pierre-Yves Le Lann and Nathalie Labidurie at the Research Exhibition—begins to envision the potential futures by 2030 and attempts to broaden the debate. How can collective intelligence, faced with environmental, societal and geopolitical challenges, create the blueprint for a sustainable and desirable future by 2030? How will our networks contribute to this future?

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