
In a constantly changing world, it is essential for researchers to anticipate the technological developments taking shape and to reflect on the fundamental changes in terms of uses and economic models, and more broadly on changes in society. Research lights our way forward, helping to shape a completely digital but nonetheless entirely human future.

Rollups to bring added security, power and speed to blockchain technologies

• Originally devised for use in finance, blockchains could potentially be put to work in multiple applications. But their development for new uses has been hampered by problems of scale. Now a technique known as rollups could soon enable blockchains to play a key role in the Internet of Things and online marketplaces.
• This technique allows for the delocalisation of data and applications to make blockchain technology much lighter, paving the way for faster, more powerful, and more secure transactions.
• This method can also be used to process data from Internet of Things devices that are integrated into a blockchain.
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