
In a constantly changing world, it is essential for researchers to anticipate the technological developments taking shape and to reflect on the fundamental changes in terms of uses and economic models, and more broadly on changes in society. Research lights our way forward, helping to shape a completely digital but nonetheless entirely human future.

Orange and the scientific community — Interview with Gérard Berry

Specialist in the computerisation of objects, main creator of the programming language Esterel, winner of the CNRS gold medal, professor at the Collège de France and member of the French Academy of Sciences, Gérard Berry accepted the presidency of the Orange Scientific Council in 2020. In this article, the renowned computer scientist presents the role of this institution and sheds light on some of the issues surrounding the relationship between science and industry in the digital revolution.
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Remote working put to the test during lockdown: what lessons can we learn for remote working in the future?

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Extend the life of IoT devices thanks to smartphones

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NoGap: New security monitoring technology in the Cloud

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Intellectual property, a marker of innovation

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Virtual reality, the new tool for evaluating user experience

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Dark patterns, an unacceptable downward spiral

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