
Different eras come with technological innovations that define each generation, and ours is characterised by access to digital technology. In everyday life, at home, at work and even out in the streets, digital technology is revolutionising how we do things, and above all, how we interact with one another and our environment. Digital culture is increasingly found at the root of social and environmental matters.

Recognizing Internet Access as a Human Right: An Interview With Merten Reglitz

● Philosopher Merten Reglitz's recent article advocating the recognition of Internet access as a human right caused a significant stir in the scientific community, as well as in the global media.
● Nearly 3 billion people around the world are without digital technology, depriving them of many fundamental rights. This digital divide deepened with the 2008 economic crisis and the 2020 global pandemic.
● Reglitz believes that it is the duty of public institutions to guarantee Internet access, just like access to water and electricity, as well as to protect citizens from its risks.
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Blockchains and SDG: from decentralized identity to microfinancing for farmers

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Blockchain players count on major corporations to drive growth

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Bridging or widening the digital divide: the challenge of AI in Africa

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Connecting the Unconnected with Brastorne

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Mathilde Saliou - photo crédit © Jean-François Paga, chez Grasset

M. Saliou (Technofeminism): “Technology imposes a deterministic approach”

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