
Different eras come with technological innovations that define each generation, and ours is characterised by access to digital technology. In everyday life, at home, at work and even out in the streets, digital technology is revolutionising how we do things, and above all, how we interact with one another and our environment. Digital culture is increasingly found at the root of social and environmental matters.

Digital therapeutics (DTx)

• Une thérapie numérique (DTx) est un dispositif médical intégré aux parcours de soins, répondant à des critères de sécurité et de preuves cliniques.
• Les applications, comme celles développées par Poppins pour les troubles du neurodéveloppement, offrent un soutien complémentaire aux enfants « dys ».
• Ces thérapies numériques ne remplacent pas, mais complètent les soins traditionnels, notamment en attendant un rendez-vous chez un spécialiste.
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AI and inclusion: CTOs urgently need to take up the challenge

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Udio, Suno: AI-generated music is already competing for low added value orders

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With or without generative AI, aspiring developers still have to master the basics

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A. Cravic: “AI is playing a growing role in the teaching of videogame creation”

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E-Reo Brings Digital Life to Indigenous Languages

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