
AI is playing a key part in reshaping and developing businesses, and in improving people’s daily lives. Different concepts, tools and technologies that use algorithms—such as blockchain, machine and deep learning, natural language processing etc.—are beginning to show exciting possibilities that will support and optimise human intelligence. If guided by an ethical and responsible approach, this field can offer numerous rewards.

Artificial intelligence as a tool for digital inclusion

In 2018, entrepreneur and former media company director, Olivier Mégean, founded, a strategy consulting firm specialised in artificial intelligence. Contributor to the white paper “Contre l’illectronisme” [1] (Against digital illiteracy) published in 2019, he defends an inclusive vision of artificial intelligence and of machine learning.
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A control tower against illegal streaming, supported by AI

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When AI assists photographers

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Customer files checked by virtual agents in Senegal

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Improving business operations through AI

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Reinforcement learning: a powerful AI in ever more areas

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X-AI: understanding how algorithms reason

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