
Different eras come with technological innovations that define each generation, and ours is characterised by access to digital technology. In everyday life, at home, at work and even out in the streets, digital technology is revolutionising how we do things, and above all, how we interact with one another and our environment. Digital culture is increasingly found at the root of social and environmental matters.

At the Tokyo Olympic Games, the rush for Gold will come from… recycling smartphones

28.4 kg of gold, 3.5 tonnes of silver, and 2.7 tonnes of bronze: that’s what Japanese authorities had collected in October 2018 from over 5 million old mobile phones. The aim? To make the medals for the Tokyo Olympic Games out of these precious metals that are found in small quantities in all of our electronic devices.
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Viva Technology: FollowAnalytics, the next generation mobile marketing solution

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Digital technology: an environmental opportunity or challenge?

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Mobile World Congress 2019: Discussions will focus on 5G, AI and IoT

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The Digital Hub for Africa by Orange is building the continent’s future

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Orange, a multiservice operator, a key player of the digital transformation in Africa

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Orange multiplies its innovations in Africa and the Middle East

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