Journey Through the Metaverse: Digital Twins Are Synchronizing the Physical and Virtual

Digital twins are at the center of where the physical world and the virtual world collide. Fusing these spaces together opens up opportunities in many different fields of application: monitoring, simulation, analysis, optimization, prediction… and eventually in the metaverse!
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A city with 3D skyscrapers
A woman uses a virtual reality headset

Journey through the Metaverse: Is the Future of Retail Virtual?

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People are connected by light lines as a spider's web

Journey Through the Metaverse: Technology is Ready, But Stakeholders Need to Link Up

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A journey into the metaverse: marketing opportunities in a connected and persistent world

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Better compression and streaming to improve the audiovisual experience

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Extended reality takes off in industry, training, real estate and other sectors

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Virtual reality, the new tool for evaluating user experience

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