Human sciences

Social Media: Both Strengthening and Weakening Family Bonds

Since Facebook’s launch in 2004, the use of social media in France has grown significantly, calling into question the place such networks take alongside telephony within interpersonal communication. However, few studies have addressed the use of social media within families. How are these networks used to communicate within the same household or amongst extended family? How do they uphold or even strengthen certain relationships, while at the same time weaken others? This article will attempt to shed light on these questions based on the results of a qualitative study conducted on the Dream Café[1] website.
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Translation professions doomed by artificial intelligence, really?

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The support work of the digital transformation

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The professional training face to the virtual reality

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What The Smartphone Does To Our Various Forms Of Attention

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Entrepreneurship: A Real Challenge for Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Mathilde Saliou - photo crédit © Jean-François Paga, chez Grasset

M. Saliou (Technofeminism): “Technology imposes a deterministic approach”

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