Connected objects

In the Heart of Intelligent Cities, Lighting Just Got Smarter

Is There Anything More Ordinary Looking than a Streetlight? Well, we can leave our preconceptions behind, because the new model from Omniflow is a game changer. It uses wind and solar power to simultaneously light up smart cities and provide their inhabitants with connected services.
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Omniflow: lampadaire connecté
smartphone et caméra connectée

IoT Security Requires Strict Monitoring Every Step of the Way, From Design to Operation

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Printed organic electronics

Printable and environmentally friendlier: the potential benefits of organic semiconductors

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Satellite Technology Opens the Door to New Frontiers for the Internet of Things

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Yōkobo: Finding a Discreet Place for Robots in Connected Homes

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A person on her couch looks at the conversation with a chatbot on her phone.

Chatbots are redefining interactions between customers and advisors

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IoT SAFE: eSIMs as a digital safe

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