Unbiased AI: Are Companies Ready?

The current rise in artificial intelligence brings with it concerns about discriminatory or unfair biases in many AI solutions. There are ways to remedy this. Where do organizations sit in terms of practices and limitations?
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A man at his desk checks datasets on multiple screens
Représentation d'un complexe industriel utilisant les technologies quantiques

How could quantum computing help in the fight against climate change?

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Homme assis à un poste de travail face à des ordinateurs mettant en avant des données.

Data and AI: How carriers can compete with GAFA

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Deux femmes scientifiques dans un laboratoire, discutant de données médicales.

Measuring and guiding: How data has contributed to tackling the health crisis

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Une personne analysant des données en réalité augmentée sur sa tablette

Quality of Service on Mobile Networks: What Data and AI Promise

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Encrypting or classifying Internet traffic: do we have to choose?

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MWC 2021: With Pikeo, 5G Networks Switch to the Cloud and Become Autonomous

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