
Hailed as the future gold mine of the digital economy, the Internet of Things encompasses billions of connected objects whose data is managed on networks. How can we meet the connectivity needs of all these connected objects? How can we develop an ecosystem of applications and services that turns innovation into tangible benefits in our daily lives? That is up for debate.

Dreamwaves: augmented reality with virtual 3D-sound to help guide the blind

● In Vienna, Austria, a start-up created by a Portuguese entrepreneur has developed an augmented-reality audio technology, which in combination with a map-based guidance system, enables users to follow a route marked by audio signals.
● Enhanced by computer vision, the software directs users to safe obstacle-free spaces, and recognizes street signs and pedestrian crossings.
● Dreamwaves has also signed a partnership with a traffic signal management company to enable users with disabilities to request priority to cross at intersections.
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Morfo accelerates reforestation with AI and drones

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VR occupational training gains traction at Laval Virtual trade show

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ADHD, oximetry… Smartphones and virtual reality are revolutionising diagnostics

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Start-ups: virtual reality breaks new ground in digital therapeutics

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Hugo Dinh: “We are only at the beginning of digital diagnostics”

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The automotive industry: India wants a place in the semiconductor market

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