
At the doctor’s surgery, at the bank, at home, at work, in the car, out in the streets… data is everywhere in our daily lives. A staggering increase in the amount of data worldwide has opened up new and extensive potential uses for individuals, the economy and society. Yet there are still questions to be answered: why and how do we collect, process, use and ensure the safety of this data?

A woman holds a molecular model

Materializing data to understand it better

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Three people check data on a tablet.

Data sharing increases data value for businesses

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Homme assis à un poste de travail face à des ordinateurs mettant en avant des données.

Data and AI: How carriers can compete with GAFA

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Deux femmes scientifiques dans un laboratoire, discutant de données médicales.

Measuring and guiding: How data has contributed to tackling the health crisis

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Digital identity: towards a European digital wallet?

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