
At the doctor’s surgery, at the bank, at home, at work, in the car, out in the streets… data is everywhere in our daily lives. A staggering increase in the amount of data worldwide has opened up new and extensive potential uses for individuals, the economy and society. Yet there are still questions to be answered: why and how do we collect, process, use and ensure the safety of this data?

An Algorithm to Predict Solar Energy Generation

Solar is clean energy, but its production is inconsistent by nature as it is subject to ever-changing weather. So how can we accurately forecast output? This challenge, set by the IEEE Power & Energy Society competition, was taken up by Wided Hammedi, Research Engineer at Orange. Her forecasting model won second place at this international competition in 2023.
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Sustainable and traceable: blockchains break new ground in the food industry

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Un livreur avec une tablette dans son camion

Flux Logistiques: An Analysis of Road Transport Flows in France

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What’s new in PET? Federated learning

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Big data & sports

Artificial intelligence and big data are changing the game for professional athletes

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Open Banking: facilities for clients, data for banks

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