
AI is playing a key part in reshaping and developing businesses, and in improving people’s daily lives. Different concepts, tools and technologies that use algorithms—such as blockchain, machine and deep learning, natural language processing, generative AI, etc.—are beginning to show exciting possibilities that will support and optimise human intelligence. If guided by an ethical and responsible approach, this field can offer numerous rewards.

An AI to predict where sperm whales will surface

● Researchers from the University of Harvard have developed a framework that makes use of drones and a reinforced learning algorithm to predict where sperm whales will surface so that their conversation can be recorded.
● The drones are equipped with a very high frequency (VHF) signal detection system to enhance the tracking of the whales, which have been tagged with radio beacons.
● This data in combination with information from underwater microphones has enabled the team to predict where sperm whales will surface so that they can observe their social behaviour.
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Rob Wood (Harvard / CETI), deploying a drone in Dominica 
A man is crouched on bare ground, holding an object in the air with one hand and a pencil in the other. Next to him, an open laptop suggests he is focused on his outdoor research work.

Geology, geoarchaeology, forensic science: AI reveals history in grains of sand

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N. Saby: “A new AI winter could boost development of responsible AI”

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Fine-tuning brewing and recipes: how AI can improve the taste of beer

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Flooding: how machine learning can help save lives

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Orange is developing secure and streamlined generative AI for its employees

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décryptage de la lettre de Charles Quint - Cécile Pierrot à la bibliothèque

AI provides a wide range of new tools for historical research

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