
Mixed Reality at Stroke Patients’ Bedsides

The connected operating room is one of the big promises of 5G, as its throughput and latency will help telesurgery to advance by bringing doctors from other hospitals right into the theater. The start-up Intradys, based in Brest, is working toward this goal. Its solution, which combines mixed reality and artificial intelligence, makes it possible to bring a team of specialists together remotely around a patient. This technology would save valuable minutes when treating strokes.
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Surgery in progress

When AI knows your state of health thanks to the sound of your voice

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A woman, in front of her large computer screen, massages her temples

Eye Health at Work Supported by a Chatbot

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Deux femmes scientifiques dans un laboratoire, discutant de données médicales.

Measuring and guiding: How data has contributed to tackling the health crisis

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Air at the center of optical fibers to guide light

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The digital twin is making itself useful in shipbuilding, wind power, train stations, and medicine

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