Big data

Data sharing increases data value for businesses

Most data has limited value in and of itself, but this increases when combined with other data. The ideas and applications arising from this concept are likely to transform businesses and help solve some of our social problems. Many companies are deterred from taking up the opportunities that sharing data has to offer because of the inherent risks associated with it. “Data sharing” is the art of organizing exchange ecosystems that can protect the data of various stakeholders.
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Three people check data on a tablet.
Homme assis à un poste de travail face à des ordinateurs mettant en avant des données.

Data and AI: How carriers can compete with GAFA

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Une personne analysant des données en réalité augmentée sur sa tablette

Quality of Service on Mobile Networks: What Data and AI Promise

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Digital identity: towards a European digital wallet?

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DNA, hard drive of the future for our digital data?

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PETs are opening up new opportunities for data analysis

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Using AI to monitor movement promises to improve home care

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