
In a constantly changing world, it is essential for researchers to anticipate the technological developments taking shape and to reflect on the fundamental changes in terms of uses and economic models, and more broadly on changes in society. Research lights our way forward, helping to shape a completely digital but nonetheless entirely human future.

Drivy: the “friendly” way to rent a car

The collaborative consumption sector raises the question of amateur involvement in economic activity. How do ordinary web users constitute supply side of the economy through such platforms? What role do websites play in this infra-economy? In other words, what are the spontaneous or organised frameworks in which this amateur economy operates, and how do they lead to stable exchanges and sustained activity?
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A convergent gateway to realize full fixed/mobile convergence

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ShaREvolution: an action research project on collaborative consumption

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Dialogue with machines: between fantasy and reality

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Drawing boundaries of social interaction

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MesInfos: reconciling data protection and innovation

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