
At the doctor’s surgery, at the bank, at home, at work, in the car, out in the streets… data is everywhere in our daily lives. A staggering increase in the amount of data worldwide has opened up new and extensive potential uses for individuals, the economy and society. Yet there are still questions to be answered: why and how do we collect, process, use and ensure the safety of this data?

“AI will transform unstructured public data into a valuable resource” — Samuel Goëta

• The author of Les données de la démocratie - Open data, pouvoirs et contre-pouvoirs [Open data for democracy — Powers & checks and balances] (C&F Editions, 2024), Samuel Goëta (Datactivist) discusses the development of open data policies and practices.
• With the advent of artificial intelligence, he believes there is a real opportunity to develop new services based on the analysis of unstructured public data.
• Although it is well-placed in international rankings, he believes that France could do more to ensure that stakeholders respect the law and open up their data.
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