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With the aim of sharing the latest developments in Orange’s research, the Research Blog lets our researchers have their say. They tell us about their work as well as sharing their visions and convictions regarding the technological disruptions and changes in society that are unfolding. It’s a place to interact with people who are passionate about the future of our digital and human world.

Monitoring the Security of Connected Personal Equipment in Real Time: How Could It Work?

At last! Since 2022, European and French authorities have been addressing the security of connected equipment. One of their aims has been to considerably improve the security of equipment that can now be found everywhere, from smartphones to connected TVs and even connected thermostats. Of course, digital security is constantly changing, as it is a never-ending race between technological evolution and the sophistication of attacks. A security score is only accurate at the moment it is issued, since a fault may be discovered the very next day. To monitor the security of an object throughout its life cycle, the Home Security research project is developing specifications for an adaptable security scoring system. It was presented at the Orange Research and Innovation Exhibition 2022.
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What The Smartphone Does To Our Various Forms Of Attention

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Entrepreneurship: A Real Challenge for Women in Sub-Saharan Africa

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How does the digital twin help the worker to assemble an industrial object?

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Understand and Manage Your Digital Footprint at Home

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Moving toward more sustainable maritime transport

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From free cooling to liquid cooling and heat reuse

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