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With the aim of sharing the latest developments in Orange’s research, the Research Blog lets our researchers have their say. They tell us about their work as well as sharing their visions and convictions regarding the technological disruptions and changes in society that are unfolding. It’s a place to interact with people who are passionate about the future of our digital and human world.

Remote working put to the test during lockdown: what lessons can we learn for remote working in the future?

France has long had a low rate of official remote working, a model primarily embraced by large companies. With lockdown, an unprecedented situation for the workplace, some employees have not been able to maintain their activity while others, who had only ever worked remotely occasionally if at all, have seen themselves thrown into long-term remote working. This remote working has also been very specific in its duration and the importance of determining factors from the personal sphere in terms of the organisation of space and time, as well as the work activities themselves.
What lessons have been learnt from this long-term remote working, which may influence how many companies prepare to introduce more flexible conditions for accessing remote working, and how they will plan for the growing number of remote workers?
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Extend the life of IoT devices thanks to smartphones

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NoGap: New security monitoring technology in the Cloud

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Virtual reality, the new tool for evaluating user experience

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Dark patterns, an unacceptable downward spiral

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Progress in the semantic analysis of the voice of the customer

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What are the measures against “dark patterns”?

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