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Discover our articles that showcase ideas, opinions and perspectives—of different players, experts and stakeholders from every ecosystem—on the greatest advances in research and innovation.

Sylva: A Common Software Framework for Network Interoperability via the Cloud

• The Sylva project brings together carriers, including Orange, and network function providers.
• It aims to accelerate cloud-native transformation of networks by creating an open-source standard infrastructure for telco cloud,
• and notably tackles issues surrounding mutualization, interoperability and sovereignty.
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Recommendation L.1480 Quantifies All Usage-Related CO2 Impacts, Including the Rebound Effect

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Neurotechnology: auditory neural networks mimic the human brain

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IoT: new energy-efficient chips could expand the scope of artificial intelligence in edge computing

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Cover of the white paper about future network technology - couverture du livre blanc réseaux du futur

White Paper: Sustainability-focused Mobile Technologies for 2030 and Beyond

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P-C. Langlais (PLEAIS): “Our language models are trained on open corpora”

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Competition in the race for AI shakes up the world of semiconductors

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