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Rollups to bring added security, power and speed to blockchain technologies

• Originally devised for use in finance, blockchains could potentially be put to work in multiple applications. But their development for new uses has been hampered by problems of scale. Now a technique known as rollups could soon enable blockchains to play a key role in the Internet of Things and online marketplaces.
• This technique allows for the delocalisation of data and applications to make blockchain technology much lighter, paving the way for faster, more powerful, and more secure transactions.
• This method can also be used to process data from Internet of Things devices that are integrated into a blockchain.
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Blockchain players count on major corporations to drive growth

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Bridging or widening the digital divide: the challenge of AI in Africa

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Public authorities fund AI arsenal to combat fake news

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APIs Move Closer to the Core of the Network

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NESTED: The Most Energy-Efficient Streaming Ecosystem

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Precision agriculture: AI enters the the field

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