The virtual reality

Viviane, content creator of the YouTube channel Scilabus, explains a word of innovation, one of today’s big technological trends: the virtual reality.

Virtual reality or VR, when wearing a specific helmet, immerses us in a virtual environment, which involves several senses such as sight, hearing, touch or smell depending on the equipment available.

Thanks to sensors, the user is totally immersed in a virtual world, giving the impression of actually being there.

But what is the difference with augmented reality?

Augmented reality or AR is the little sister of VR. We evolve in the real world but to which is added virtual information, embedded in the image via a headset or an application.

This is the case in the mobile game Pokémon Go, for example, where you can activate the camera of your smartphone so that the virtual Pokémon moves in your real environment.

These technologies are already used in video games, but they are also being developed in the audiovisual, engineering or medical fields.

A pilot, for example, can virtually train himself to perform complex maneuvers before taking the controls of a real plane.

A surgeon could also operate on a patient remotely.

The present and future applications of virtual and augmented reality are already numerous.

One of the announced democratizations is the future metavers: a kind of social network and digital environment in which one could interact virtually through an avatar.

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