Low-noise innovations: How sounds are contributing to the future of telecoms

• Acoustics concerns all phenomena associated with sounds: the emission, propagation, capture and perception of sound waves.
• Originally focused on voice communications, telecoms have been a focus for acoustics research: coding, recognition, speech synthesis, etc.
• Today, sounds continue to provide many innovations: sound immersion for virtual reality; recognition of environmental sounds for natural spaces (detection of poaching or tree felling activities, species population measurements to assess biodiversity); recognition of environmental sounds for urban spaces (security) or the home (to detect when a person falls); and human-machine interactions where sound information complements or even supplements visual information.
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A Digital Twin To Facilitate The Development Of Drone Services

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“Augmented” Virtual Reality for User Tests

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Evaluating the Effectiveness of Collaborative Augmented Reality

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Start-ups: virtual reality breaks new ground in digital therapeutics

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