Private life


• Neurotechnologies are rapidly developing due to global innovation and the convergence of neuroscience and digital technologies, becoming increasingly miniaturized and efficient.
• They offer hope for treating diseases such as Parkinson’s, insomnia, depression, and ADHD, but raise ethical concerns about the potential manipulation and influence on individuals.
• The use of neurotechnologies poses major ethical challenges, particularly regarding mental privacy. Society must address these dilemmas without slowing innovation.
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IoT and robotics: the need for privacy-preserving cameras

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Cybersecurity: AI attacks and hijacking

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Social Media: Both Strengthening and Weakening Family Bonds

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Recognizing Internet Access as a Human Right: An Interview With Merten Reglitz

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AI ethics

Ethics and AI: 2023 heralds “a Wild West era in generative AI”

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Digital identity: towards a European digital wallet?

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