Personal data

Understanding FEARS, an approach to time series classification.

You are surrounded by a great deal of data every day. These include times series, which are measurements of a given phenomenon over time. You see these every day in infographics in the media and you no doubt come across them in your professional environment. This post describes a time series and presents the value of training Machine Learning models using this type of data. In particular, it presents the FEARS approach, which is the result of a research project collaboratively carried out by teams from Orange Labs in Lannion and Chatillon, in partnership with the University of Reunion Island.
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Dark patterns, an unacceptable downward spiral

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What are the measures against “dark patterns”?

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What are “dark patterns” and their impacts on personal data?

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Digital Professional Reflection — Get to know yourself!

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A control tower against illegal streaming, supported by AI

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Identity, the foundations of digital services

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