Money laundering: a novel approach with new algorithms to combat smurfing
● Breaking new ground in the fight against money laundering: algorithms developed by researchers at King's College London can analyse 50 million transactions in 50 seconds.
● 3.2 times more effective than the current state of the art, the algorithms could put an end to smurfing, a widely used laundering technique that involves breaking up large amounts into small sums.
● The algorithms, which analyse financial flows represented by graphs, may also be used to optimise profits generated by product bundles.
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● 3.2 times more effective than the current state of the art, the algorithms could put an end to smurfing, a widely used laundering technique that involves breaking up large amounts into small sums.
● The algorithms, which analyse financial flows represented by graphs, may also be used to optimise profits generated by product bundles.

Max it: An All-in-One Application for Smartphone Users in the Middle East and Africa
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