Téléphone Grave Danger (serious danger telephone): the technical foundations behind this essential device
• Victims of domestic violence who need to contact the police (999 in the UK, or 112 in Europe) during an assault may not always be able to express themselves and explain their situation in the presence of their aggressor.
• In France, the Téléphone Grave Danger (TGD), ‘serious danger telephone’ in English, is a device aimed at such victims to ensure rapid intervention. This specialised warning device must meet very high standards in terms of reliability and being readily available.
• Orange, which is behind the solution’s design, is leveraging its technical expertise in infrastructure and terminals to meet this challenge.
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• In France, the Téléphone Grave Danger (TGD), ‘serious danger telephone’ in English, is a device aimed at such victims to ensure rapid intervention. This specialised warning device must meet very high standards in terms of reliability and being readily available.
• Orange, which is behind the solution’s design, is leveraging its technical expertise in infrastructure and terminals to meet this challenge.