Connected objects

Digital divide: LoRa IoT devices for medical monitoring

• Medical IoT devices can facilitate the remote monitoring of vulnerable patients in rural areas and developing countries.
• At the University of Arizona, a research team led by Professor Philipp Gutruf is developing flexible and non-invasive LoRa (from “long range”) devices, which enable data to be transmitted over long distances using low-power technologies.
• With the capacity to precisely record clinical signals while providing patients with greater autonomy, the new devices could revolutionize the remote monitoring of chronic illness.
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Le dispositif biosymbiotique mis au point par Phillip Gutruf et ses collaborateurs se recharge sans fil. Avec l’aimable autorisation de Max Farley et Tucker Stuart The biosymbiotic device developed by Phillip Gutruf and his collaborators charges wirelessly. Courtesy of Max Farley and Tucker Stuart

Agtech, agricultural IoT and the threat of cyberattacks: how should the risks be modelled?

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Biofuel cells break new ground in the field of flexible batteries

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IoT: start-up ONiO has built a batteryless microcontroller

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Environmental impact of digital technology

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In-Vehicle Commerce, a white paper co-authored by Orange and Worldline

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A drone that can sniff out forest fires before they generate visible smoke

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