
Hailed as the future gold mine of the digital economy, the Internet of Things encompasses billions of connected objects whose data is managed on networks. How can we meet the connectivity needs of all these connected objects? How can we develop an ecosystem of applications and services that turns innovation into tangible benefits in our daily lives? That is up for debate.

Voice without vocal cords: a machine learning assisted device that enables patients to speak

• A soft robotics device developed at the University of California (UCLA), which uses magnetoelastic actuators to produce sound, will enable patients without vocal cords to recover the power of speech.
• The light and flexible device, which is worn on the throat, converts laryngeal muscle movement into electrical signals with a sensor design inspired by the art of kirigami (a Japanese modelling technique that uses a single incised sheet of paper), which enables patients to communicate when, for example, they are recovering from treatment for voice disorders.
• Assisted by a machine learning algorithm, the device, which provides an adaptive and customizable solution for individual users, can extract more than 94% of the semantic content from signals derived from movement on patients’ throats.
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Vie privée, ondes cérébrales : encadrer les neurotechnologies

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Portable IoT device helps Parkinson’s disease patients to manage their symptoms

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A Digital Twin To Facilitate The Development Of Drone Services

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A. Lafay: vehicles that are “fully autonomous from the moment they enter the motorway until they leave it”

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Le dispositif biosymbiotique mis au point par Phillip Gutruf et ses collaborateurs se recharge sans fil. Avec l’aimable autorisation de Max Farley et Tucker Stuart The biosymbiotic device developed by Phillip Gutruf and his collaborators charges wirelessly. Courtesy of Max Farley and Tucker Stuart

Digital divide: LoRa IoT devices for medical monitoring

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Robots developed by Warwick AgriTech could cut herbicide use by 95%

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