The metaverse: the future of the internet and digital practices

The word metaverse is the new buzzword in the tech world. It embodies the Internet of the future based on various booming technologies: 3D, AR/VR, Blockchain, connectivity.
But what is it really?
The metaverse is a set of persistent, interconnected and immersive virtual spaces accessible online through digital avatars that share and interact with each other. In what looks like an alternative reality, visitors will be able to engage in all kinds of activities: social, commercial, recreational or professional.

GettyImages - livre blanc univers immersifs - white paper immersive universe metaverse

Immersive Technologies White Paper: Exploring the Responsibility of Metaverses


A journey into the metaverse: marketing opportunities in a connected and persistent world

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Journey through the Metaverse: Is the Future of Retail Virtual?

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Journey Through the Metaverse: Digital Twins Are Synchronizing the Physical and Virtual
