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Attacks on AI: data cleaning becomes a cybersecurity issue

● Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, including generative AI systems like ChatGPT and predictive AI systems used for self-driving cars and medical diagnostics may be subject to attacks by malicious hackers.
● A recent report by the American National Institute of Standards and Technology has identified a wide range of possible attacks, among them model poisoning, privacy attacks and attempts to repurpose generative AI to produce malevolent content.
● One of the report’s authors, Apostol Vassilev, highlights the need for the standardization and systematic cleaning of training data, as well as constant monitoring to ensure that compromised systems are detected rapidly.
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FoodProX uses machine learning to detect ultra-processed food

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Le dispositif biosymbiotique mis au point par Phillip Gutruf et ses collaborateurs se recharge sans fil. Avec l’aimable autorisation de Max Farley et Tucker Stuart The biosymbiotic device developed by Phillip Gutruf and his collaborators charges wirelessly. Courtesy of Max Farley and Tucker Stuart

Digital divide: LoRa IoT devices for medical monitoring

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Quarks: decentralized and blockchain-secured instant messaging

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Agtech, agricultural IoT and the threat of cyberattacks: how should the risks be modelled?

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Robots developed by Warwick AgriTech could cut herbicide use by 95%

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J. Le Roy: “Farmers can benefit from lower technology costs”

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