Smart city

The Open IoT Lab lets you work on the networks of the future

In 2017, Orange inaugurated the Open IoT Lab, which is the first European lab dedicated to the Internet of Things and the LTE-M network. One year after its launch, at the Mobile World Congress where he spoke, Thibault de la Fresnaye, Head of Smart Access and Smart Home Anticipation within Orange’s Innovation, Marketing and Technologies Division gives us an initial report about this project.
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LTE-M, fresh impetus for the Internet of Things

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From home to car: seamless uses of digital technology

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Network slicing: ‘Innovative 5G connectivity for connected vehicles’

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Trust and security at the heart of the Vote+ system

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Three questions to Nanda Menon, Athonet’s Director of Corporate Development

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5G: the network technologies of tomorrow are being invented today!

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