An AI to predict where sperm whales will surface
● Researchers from the University of Harvard have developed a framework that makes use of drones and a reinforced learning algorithm to predict where sperm whales will surface so that their conversation can be recorded.
● The drones are equipped with a very high frequency (VHF) signal detection system to enhance the tracking of the whales, which have been tagged with radio beacons.
● This data in combination with information from underwater microphones has enabled the team to predict where sperm whales will surface so that they can observe their social behaviour.
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● The drones are equipped with a very high frequency (VHF) signal detection system to enhance the tracking of the whales, which have been tagged with radio beacons.
● This data in combination with information from underwater microphones has enabled the team to predict where sperm whales will surface so that they can observe their social behaviour.

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