
Combining Clustering and AI for Congestion-Free Mobile Networks

Using clustering reduces the complexity of AI models that predict mobile network congestion. With congestion prediction, carriers are automatically alerted and can resolve problems before they occur, ensuring high quality of service.
In other words, predicting a problem means it can be solved before the quality of Orange network services is affected. AI is one of the keys to achieving this, and the model explored here offers a powerful solution that is ready to be tested in the field.
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Sylva: A Common Software Framework for Network Interoperability via the Cloud

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White Paper: Sustainability-focused Mobile Technologies for 2030 and Beyond

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NORIA: Network anomaly detection using knowledge graphs

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Network Sharing and Neutral Networks: How Far to Go and for What Benefits?

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Le dispositif biosymbiotique mis au point par Phillip Gutruf et ses collaborateurs se recharge sans fil. Avec l’aimable autorisation de Max Farley et Tucker Stuart The biosymbiotic device developed by Phillip Gutruf and his collaborators charges wirelessly. Courtesy of Max Farley and Tucker Stuart

Digital divide: LoRa IoT devices for medical monitoring

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