
Orange’s radio propagation model: An essential element in mobile network development

• Reflection, attenuation, interference: How do electromagnetic waves travel in different environments? Radio propagation models establish this essential information for telecom carriers.
• Having been released to the market, Orange’s internal tool has been a market leader for several decades. Constantly evolving, it now uses AI and crowdsourcing data.
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Achieving quantum communications via existing fiber infrastructures

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Combining Clustering and AI for Congestion-Free Mobile Networks

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Sylva: A Common Software Framework for Network Interoperability via the Cloud

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Cover of the white paper about future network technology - couverture du livre blanc réseaux du futur

White Paper: Sustainability-focused Mobile Technologies for 2030 and Beyond

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The Easy-to-Deploy LatenceTech Solution Measures Connectivity Performance

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NORIA: Network anomaly detection using knowledge graphs

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