High tech

At the Tokyo Olympic Games, the rush for Gold will come from… recycling smartphones

28.4 kg of gold, 3.5 tonnes of silver, and 2.7 tonnes of bronze: that’s what Japanese authorities had collected in October 2018 from over 5 million old mobile phones. The aim? To make the medals for the Tokyo Olympic Games out of these precious metals that are found in small quantities in all of our electronic devices.
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With voice and eye: is sound the future of digital?

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Smart mobilities: the automation of trains is on track

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Digital technology: an environmental opportunity or challenge?

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5G and connected vehicles: communication and cooperation

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MWC 2019: Orange Live Booster, the turnkey and all-in-one solution for connecting your objects

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MWC 2019: 5G, the right model for deploying the right technologies

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