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With the aim of sharing the latest developments in Orange’s research, the Research Blog lets our researchers have their say. They tell us about their work as well as sharing their visions and convictions regarding the technological disruptions and changes in society that are unfolding. It’s a place to interact with people who are passionate about the future of our digital and human world.

Digital Professional Reflection — Get to know yourself!

Analysing the data found on employees' computers can paint a digital picture of their activity. For the first time, company employees can get an overview of their data, in the form of their Digital Professional Reflection. By applying this method to the company's other resources, previously invisible parts of the business can become visible to employees, while also protecting their personal business data.
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Financial literacy: an essential awareness

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Your smartphone can hand you useful information on a plate

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Thingin scan and scale

Scanning and scalability are the two challenges facing a global directory of things

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How to leverage the dormant resources of private datacenters

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Orange experiments with an open source aerial network at the French Windsurf Championships!

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Data sharing and processing: the new Tower of Babel?

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