When self-driving cars hit the road… or the test track

According to the standards defined by the Organisation internationale des constructeurs automobiles (Society of Automotive Engineers), six degrees of autonomy separate the traditional cars that our parents knew from fully self-driving vehicles that need no input from a human being. There is still a long way to go before they can take off, but the ecosystem is getting ready for their development. This is demonstrated by the work being done by UTAC CERAM, the global reference for vehicle testing and certification (in particular, self-driving vehicles).
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The anechoic chamber: an experimental room for testing 5G networks and the IoT

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Decision making: AI can reduce rates of human errors

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New Directions in Cloud Isolation

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The networks of the future will be less energy-intensive

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AI, the key to useful data exploitation

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Stéphane Pateux, co-creator of the sensitive home of tomorrow

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