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Discover our articles that showcase ideas, opinions and perspectives—of different players, experts and stakeholders from every ecosystem—on the greatest advances in research and innovation.

Governing digital: perpetual experimentation

Far from being a state of anarchy, digital is overseen by a variety of governing bodies at global, continental and national level. Structures exist whose modus operandi and decision-making are not always consensual – far from it – and which need to reinvent themselves as the issues raised by these technologies become ever more complex. Read on for a quick rundown on the forces lined up…
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Semantics: The Holy Grail of Artificial Intelligence

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Are we sitting on a digital powder keg?

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Des algorithmes pour gouverner… les algorithmes !

Algorithms to keep other algorithms in line!

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Can digital technology be governed?

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Uncovering the invisible: underwater connections, by Agnès de Cayeux

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