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Discover our videos that focus on issues, ideas, projects and influential personalities in the field of new technologies.

Orange innovation prepares for the most demanding uses of 5G

Orange is now preparing the technological foundation of 5G for its most demanding uses, with speeds well above 4G and real-time responsiveness to improve the lives of everyone, businesses and consumers alike.
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A man inspecting data on several bluish screens

Detecting fraud on international calls with AI

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A woman in front of a computer analyzing electricity consumption data

Reducing mobile network power consumption with AI

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Illustration of a researcher analyzing semiconductor materials

Semiconductors, a strategic issue for the economy and innovation

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Représentation d'un complexe industriel utilisant les technologies quantiques

How could quantum computing help in the fight against climate change?

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Male and female IT engineers checking servers in server room with help of tablet

Padus Lab: Bolstering the Energy Efficiency of the Networks of the Future

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5G’s impact on society under the microscope

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